Friday, 29 July 2011

Me and Harry went to Banff to get our 6 ISA Warren chickens and we gave them food and water and we let them get used to there surroundings. We gave them a ramp to give them easy access to get into and out of the coop. We cleaned out the cage.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Painting Community Chicken Coop

Matt and Emma and Ian were away to go and paint our designs on our chicken coop so we went from Banff day services to the bank to get some money out so we can buy our paint brushes and some red paint. We went down to Banff castle and got the key to open the gate and then we got our boilersuits on and we started to paint the coop and we had to sort out the mistakes that some people had made. There are designs on three sides of the chicken coop and the next time we are going to sort out the mistakes and finish of the painting.