Tuesday, 22 May 2012

bomb scare evacuation

on friday the 18th we were relaxing in our house then we saw police cars rushing down our street then i went outside and i saw the police had blocked both ends of the street then i told my carers and they went out to check it out aswell and then we found out that there was parts of a bomb in banff somewhere and that everyone in 100yrds was to get evacuated so we went out for a walk and we were on our way round the block and found the police wouldn't let us go past spotty bag so we had to go the longer route and we got back home and found we couldn't get to our street so we had to go to our managers house and we sat there for ten , fifteen minutes then we went up to banff castle and we stayed there for half an hour then we eventually found out we were going to be sleeping on the floor so my manager said we had to go to banff springs and we stayed there all night and we had breakfast the next morning and then we went to check the rooms then we went home.

by matthew taylor(g-unit)

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Chicken Whisperer

This is the Chicken whisperer link http://www.chickenwhisperer.net/

Chicken update

The chicken update this month is that we have got a new chicken shelter for the chickens. It was made out of an old gate and we put tarpolen on top of it so it protects the chickens from getting wet. We also gave the coop and the run a good cleaning out. We will move the coop and the run around the garden in the near future.